We are now booking for the Spring 2025 terms

When booking for a term initial priority goes to existing swimmers, then those already on our waiting list and then to new bookings.

Classes cost  £14.50 per class (one parent and one child), payable in advance (option to pay half termly instalments is available). 10% discount for siblings.

We look forward to welcoming you to our classes!

The Grove Pool - Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays

Kings Hedges Pool - Fridays & Saturdays

The Fawcett Pool, Trumpington - Mondays, Wednesdays & Thursdays

The Manor Farm Pool, Croydon (near Wimpole) - Mondays

The Walnut Pool, Chesterton - Wednesdays

Spring Term Dates 2025


Autumn Term Dates 2024


Spring Term Dates 2025
